Monday, January 16, 2012

Jan started off bad

Wow has this year been rocking...lets be honest it straight up sucks. On my Bday (Jan 6th) I found out my babies heartbeat had stopped. it was heartbreaking and so sad. what a birthday right. So i spent that day in the hospital. My baby ( Dylan ThomasWebb) was born and died on Jan 7th 2012, at 2:08a.m. he was a wonderful 11.5 inches long and weighed 1 Lb 15 ozs. he looked alot like Riley...he was the best. i am so glad i got to hold him, and hold his hand and be his mom for 10 hours. On Friday the 13th was his funeral, he was buried in a little white casket. and i am glad he is at piece. I love my boy more than words can say and I cant wait till I can see him again. So now I am ready to move on and get ready to focus on my wonderful children on earth and me. Ive spent so much time being pregnant over the past year that i am ready to be done. Thanks to all the wonderful and amazing people that helped our family get through this rough time. we love you all


WENDY said...

I am so,so sorry you have had to endure one of the most difficult trials ever--the death of a beloved family member. It is so hard. I think of you almost daily. I love you. I pray for you. I love cute little Riley. She comes to the office often and talks to me about Dylan, and I am so glad she does. You are loved! <3

Brandy_Webb said...

thanks Wendy....I am ok now, it was hard very hard. but this ward made it a little easier to deal with. your in my thoughts often too, its crazy no matter if you do everything right, you still will go threw trials, i am grateful that i will see him again someday, thats what keeps me happy. and the wonderful kids i do have..

WENDY said...

Oh I just saw your reply tonight! I am glad that dear friends have made it easier to bear.

Know that it is okay if it is hard and you grieve a lot again down the road. The first 2 months I thought I was fine, and then I fell apart completely after 3 months. Your experience may be different--it's different for everyone. For me, grief has been and is a huge roller coaster.

I had a good talk with Riley today at school. She is a sweetie! She brightens my days so often I am grateful for her!