Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Its been a while

Wow it has been a much has been going on. I am 28 weeks (7 month) and starting to get uncomfortable. but i am enjoy each day and I'm not in any rush for him to come, i do want him here, but since Im not having anymore enjoying it. The kids are super excited for Baby Dylan... 76 days till he comes...yay, chris and mike are doing great, in school and with everything else. they are some easy teenagers. ry, is doing good, and kaitlyn is getting tall...its crazy too look at her and see her reach the counter, she is my baby....Chris is working his butt off as always.
it is the beginning of Jan...and still no snow...what is going on? it was like 50 today...crazy crazy.
Chris and I have a hugh surprise coming up that only a few select people know about....Its going to be awesome......................................
Christmas was great. my babe got me some Brad Paisley, the band perry and Scotty Mqueery tickets..we got Jan 27th...I CANT wait...well thats all for now. love ya